School's Out!

Thank you to all of the students, families, community members and staff for a wonderful 2020-21 school year. It was a different year in many respects, but the learning, the kindness and the sense of community stayed the same no matter what changed around us. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be a part of the lives of your children.
We appreciate our dedicated staff of teachers, support staff, custodians, administrative assistants, bus drivers and everyone else who makes Greystone Centennial Middle School, and PSD such a great place to learn and to work.
To our Grade 9 students moving on to high school, we look forward to hearing about your future accomplishments. We are going to miss our staff members who are off on different adventures, including Mr. Padayas, Ms. Richardson, Ms. Straveski, Ms. Perras, Ms. Oldham and Ms. Harding.
We look forward to welcoming our new grade 5 students, as well well as all other new and returning students next year for 2021-2022. School will begin for students on Monday, August 30, 2021. See you then!
Have a wonderful, restful summer vacation filled with laughter and fun!
(Watch this site and our website for more information on when the bus passes and preordered school supplies will be available for pick up.)