Extracurricular Sports in Parkland School Division and Evergreen Catholic Schools

While our students have had the chance to play, our gyms have been missing spectators. We appreciate all of the time and effort that has been put into live-stream many of the games this year!
As of Feb. 11th, we are able to welcome spectators back to our gymnasiums for athletics and extracurricular activities occurring after school hours.
It is important to remember that all participants and spectators are expected to adhere to the current requirements from the Government of Alberta. This includes the requirement that all adult spectators are required to wear a mask to attend an event in our schools until further notice. Staff and volunteers have been doing what we can to ensure that schools remain open and so that students can continue to have these activities available to them.
Here is the complete letter from Parkland and Evergreen Catholic school divisions https://drive.google.com/.../1Kyr0njyt28BdxBKZGpu.../view...
Thank you for taking the time to read the letter, and for following the newest requirements in our schools.