Provincial Achievement Testing - Grade 6 & 9

Each year, children in Grade 6 and 9 write provincial achievement tests in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. To help your child be prepared to do their very best on these, and other year-end assessments, it’s especially important to make sure that your child gets a good night’s sleep, starts the day with a filling breakfast, and goes to school with a water bottle to help stay hydrated.
- Mon. June 13 - Gr. 6 ELA (Part B)
- Wed. June 15 - Gr. 6 Math (Parts A & B)
- Thurs. June 16 - Gr. 6 Science
- Fri. June 17 - Gr. 6 Social
- Mon. June 20 - Gr. 9 ELA (Part B)
- Wed. June 22 - Gr. 9 Math (Parts A & B)
- Thurs. June 23 - Gr. 9 Science
- Fri. Jun 24 - Gr. 9 Social
"The purposes of the provincial achievement tests are to determine if students are learning what they are expected to learn; to report to Albertans how well students have achieved provincial standards at given points in their schooling, and to assist schools, school authorities, and the province in monitoring and improving student learning."
For more information, please check out the parent guides from Alberta Education.