Inferno Volleyball Tryouts

We are so excited for our first Greystone Inferno sports activities of the 2022-2023 school year to begin this week, with tryouts for Sr. Girls and Boys volleyball!
We ask all interested students to meet in the gym and try out for Inferno Volleyball. Bring gym shoes and a great attitude! We are looking forward to seeing you there.
Fall League Volleyball is available to all students in LC5 and 6. There are no tryouts for Fall league, everyone who signs up gets to play. We will start in October and more information will come closer to then.
- Sr. Girls (LC 8/9)
- Wednesday, Aug 31 —---- 5:00 - 6:15
- Thursday, Sept. 1 —------- 3:45 - 5:00
- Sr. Boys (LC 8/9)
- Wednesday, Aug 31 —---- 3:45 - 5:00
- Thursday, Sept. 1 —------- 3:45 - 5:00
- Jr. A Girls (LC 6/7/8)
- Tuesday, Sept. 6th —-----3:45 - 5:00
- Wednesday, Sept. 7th —--- Lunch Hour
- Jr. A Boys (LC 6/7/8)
- Tuesday, Sept. 6th —----- 3:45 - 5:00
- Wednesday, Sept. 7th —--- 3:45 - 5:00
- Jr. B Girls (LC 5/6/7)
- Monday, Sept. 12 —------ Lunch Hour
- Wednesday, Sept. 14 —---- 3:45 - 5:15
- Jr. B Boys (LC 5/6/7)
- Tuesday, Sept 13 —---- 3:45 - 5:15
- Wednesday, Sept. 14 —- Lunch Hour