Oct. Hot Lunch Ordering - Sept. 21-28

Our hot lunch program will be ordered monthly. Our first round of ordering will be September 21-28, 2022, for October 7 start. Hot Lunch will be available every Friday, or the day before if there is no school. We will be utilizing local vendors (Pizza 73, KFC, Bite to Eat, etc.). Volunteers are important to make this program a success. We will need 2 volunteers each day. When you order hot lunch for your child, there will be a box to check if you can volunteer.
All orders can be completed online. We accept order payments through PayPal. You can check out as a guest or by using your PayPal account (which includes credit card or debit online).
Online ordering instructions: Everyone needs to create an account (even if you had one previously) at http://greystone.hotlunches.net
- Click on: Click here to register
- School access code: GCHL (capital letters)
- Set up your user ID and password
- Follow the online instructions to order. (You do NOT need to have a PayPal account to pay online. You can pay by credit card without creating a PayPal account)