AHS Routine School Immunization Program (Gr. 6 & 9)

Children who are eligible for Grade 6 or 9 immunizations may be immunized in the school setting with parental consent. These immunizations are part of the routine immunization program in Alberta, and not the Covid-19 vaccination. Please check your child’s school bag for a package that contains information about the vaccines, along with a consent form for each vaccine. In order for your child to be immunized, each consent form must be signed and returned to your child’s school by the date indicated on the envelope. No child will receive a vaccination without parental consent.
The immunization dates at Greystone School are as follows:
- AHS Classroom Presentation: September 20, 2022
- Round 1: 22 November 2022
- Round 2: 23 May 2023
For information on immunization in Alberta, please visit http://immunizealberta.ca/
*If your child is not present on the round dates they may receive immunizations on other dates throughout the school year.
If you have health-related concerns or questions please head to MyHealthAlberta, or call the Health Link at 811
If you are new to Alberta OR if your child has been immunized at your doctor’s office or pharmacy, AHS Public Health may not have a record of your child’s immunizations. To ensure your child is up to date with all recommended immunizations refer to the schedule at http://immunizealberta.ca/i-want-immunize/when-immunize
To provide an up-to-date immunization record or if you have any questions you may contact the nurse assigned to your child’s school at 780-968-3784 or 780-968-4268