Bundle up!!

Bundle up!
We had a lovely. warm fall, but this blast of winter has settled in! Students should have an appropriate coat, mitts, a warm hat, and outdoor footwear when they head to school for the day. It is much more fun to play outside in the snow if you are warm and comfortable and dressed for the weather conditions. Students will be expected to be outdoors for breaks unless the weather is very inclement. Doors do not open in the morning until 8:50.
It is also important to have appropriate clothing when riding the bus, as the temperatures on a school bus can drop dramatically in the event of mechanical problems.
We will be asking students to change their wet and snowy footwear, to keep our floors dry and safe; having two pairs is very important.
Stay warm and dry, and wear a coat!
AP 750: Severe Weather: https://www.psd.ca/board/administrative-procedures/4678