Sept. 7, 2021: GCMS Inferno Weekly Update

September 7-10, 2021
Thanks for a great first week back to school! It was great to see the students again and watch them reconnect with their friends. Here is our weekly update on what is happening at Greystone.
COVID Protocols
We are continuing with the COVID protocols from last week, but there is a Special Board Meeting that is scheduled for Tuesday evening. We will update you as soon as possible if any protocols change as a result of the meeting.
A full list of the current COVID protocols can be found in PSD’s Guidance for School Re-Entry Principal's Handbook.
One reminder about the protocols is that everyone needs to consult the COVID-19 Alberta Health Daily Checklist and if they answer YES to any question must stay home and follow the directions outlined.
For more information, including links to Alberta Government’s plans and guidance, visit our COVID-19 page on the PSD website.
AHS Vaccination Clinic
Grade 7-9 families should have received an email update on the AHS Vaccination Clinic that will be taking place at Greystone on Sept. 23. For more details, please read the program information sheet. The consent form can be found here. Students will not be immunized at school without parental consent (permission).
School Bus Inspections
The sheriff's department will commence its annual commercial vehicle inspection process on school buses starting on Tuesday, September 07, 2021. A new part of this process this year is a Mandatory Alcohol Screening test for all drivers during the inspection. We wanted you to be aware that this is a mandatory requirement of any school bus inspection based on provincial law and not to be concerned if you or students see this test being administered.
PSD has asked for the removal of all classroom microwaves for safety. This means that there will be no student access to microwaves for heating lunches. We are working on a plan that will see access to microwaves in pod areas, but this will need some time to be put in place. In the meantime, please send food that does not need to be heated.
New PSD Website and Email Addresses
Over the summer, Parkland School Division has changed their domain address and along with it the email addresses of staff. The new domain is sure to note teachers’ new email addresses, but their old addresses will work for 6 months. The new PSD website can be found at and the new Greystone website can be found at
Stronger Together Newsletter September 2021
Parkland School Division is pleased to be able to help provide access to family supports in our community again this year. We will be sharing a newsletter once a month that is full of great opportunities for support and learning.
Parkland School Division Family Supports Newsletter September 2021
School Council/FOGS
Thank you to everyone who volunteered at the Friends of Greystone fundraising casino last week. This is a major fundraiser for F.O.G.S, enabling them to support a number of programs and initiatives at GCMS. The first meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, September 21 at 6:30 pm. All welcome! For more information, visit our website.
Important Dates
- Monday, September 6 - Labour Day (No School)
- Thursday, September 9 - Picture Day
- Wednesday, September 15 - Meet the Teacher - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Virtual Event
- Thursday, September 23 - AHS Vaccine Clinic at Greystone