January 31: Inferno Weekly Update

Here is our weekly update of events and information for Greystone Centennial Middle School.
COVID Reporting
The number of COVID cases reported to the school is updated on our website each Friday. We continue to request that families let us know if a student tests positive for COVID, as we rely on self-reporting for these numbers. Thank you for your support.
Visitors and Guests
All visitors to Greystone are asked to wear a mask, check-in at the office, sign in, and if you are going to be in the building for longer than 15 minutes, have your vaccination QR code scanned.
Signing Out Your Child
If you are picking up your child early, please come into the office to sign out your child. You may be asked to show identification, to ensure that children are leaving with a parent, guardian, or other identified contact. Feel free to call the office to give us a heads-up to have your child ready at a particular time.
Contacting Your Child
Just a reminder, that if you would like to get in touch with your child please contact the school office and we will happily pass the message on to them. We are trying to minimize distractions to the learning environment from personal devices. As such it is expected that cell phones and other personal devices will remain in lockers during instructional time. Homeroom begins at 9:00am and the final bell rings at 3:45pm. Student break times are from 11:05-11:20 (Gr 5, 7, 9), 11:25-11:40 (Gr. 6 & 8) and 12:45-1:45.
Alberta Government Rapid Tests and Masks
Our rapid tests and masks have arrived. We have distributed 1 box of 5 tests to each student of families that requested them in our on-line form. If you did not request rapid tests or masks on the form, please email or contact the school, and we will ensure that your child receives a RAT. It may take us a bit longer to repackage and distribute the masks; we managed to get Gr. 5-8 out today, Grade 9s will go home Tuesday. Thank you for your patience.
Field Trips and Extra-Curricular Activities
At this point, the province has not recommended the cancellation of extracurricular or field trip activities. This having been said, we are evaluating what is being offered at Greystone to limit cohorts. Here is a list of updates:
- Ski Club dates for February and March have been canceled.
- Swim@School program (gr. 5&6) is continuing, as the trips are organized in cohorts.
- The Community Classroom has been canceled until further notice.
- Basketball teams will continue to operate as they were before the break.
- Choirs have been canceled until further notice.
AHS Vaccination Update
The “regular” school vaccination program date (non-COVID) for grades 8 & 9 has been postponed to March 7th. Information will be coming home from the AHS Public Health Unit about this program.
Scholastic Book Orders
The library is doing ongoing orders through Scholastic for books. You can check out the selections here. Use the class code RC239143 and our school receives 20% credit to buy new books.
Strong Families Newsletter
The monthly newsletter that details the Parkland School Division Family Supports can be found here.
- Monday, Jan. 31 - Professional Development Day, No School for Students
- Thursday, Feb. 10 & Friday, Feb 11 - Teachers’ Convention - No School for Students