June 13: Inferno Weekly Update

Here is our weekly update of events and information for Greystone Centennial Middle School.
PowerSchool Assignment Viewing
As we are preparing for the end of the year Report Cards, we need to limit some aspects of the PowerSchool assignment and marks viewing. If you need any information before Report Cards are released, please contact teachers directly.
National Indigenous History Month
June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada, and we recognize National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21. These are great opportunities to acknowledge Indigenous Peoples and to learn about their histories, cultures, and ways of life.
- https://www.rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca/eng/1466616436543/1534874922512
- https://www.alberta.ca/national-indigenous-history-month.aspx
Online Safety Parent Webinar
On June 28 at 7:00 pm, you are invited to take part in a webinar on Online Safety for Parents. This evening is being planned by the École Broxton Park School and Parkland Village School Parent Councils. Mark your calendars, as we will send the link to the webinar soon. For more information, see the poster.
Field Trips
Watch for permission slips coming your way! June is a busy month for off-site trips for our students. Students need to return their consent forms to school and pay any associated fees prior to the field trip date. Read any included information for details on what to wear, what to bring, and what activities are planned.
Parent Volunteers Needed
We are looking for 2 parent volunteers to help set up the Grade 9 Farewell potluck from 1:00 pm-1:30 on Tuesday, June 28th. If you can help, please call the school office or email greystone@psd.ca
Greystone Library Learning Commons
Take a look in backpacks and under beds for any outstanding library books. Mrs. Marshall will be working hard in the next few weeks to get all library books returned.
Hot Lunch Updates
On June 17, Grade 8s will be at Fort Edmonton. Their Hot Lunch will be waiting for them in their classrooms when they return.
On June 24, Grade 7s are at Chickakoo Lake. Hot lunch will be moved to June 22 for grade 7s only.
Responsible Technology Use at School and Beyond
Parkland School Division and Greystone School support and encourage the use of technology to enhance and facilitate learning. Our goal is to ensure that student interaction with technology contributes positively to the learning environment at school and in the community. We ask that students use their technology responsibly, and follow the instructions of the staff, for both school-owned and personal devices. Cell phones and other personal electronics should not be used during class time. As we head into the summer check out these media/tech tips https://mediasmarts.ca/parents
Write-On Stationery
Write-On Stationery ordering is now open until July 15. If the school shipping option is chosen, orders will arrive the week of Aug 22 (with pick up tentatively Aug 24/25 from 9-2 each day). All orders are placed either online or by calling Write On directly.
- Monday, June 13 - Gr. 6 English Language Arts Provincial Achievement Test (AM)
- Wednesday, June 15 - Gr. 6 Math Provincial Achievement Test (AM)
- Thursday, June 16 - Gr. 6 Science Provincial Achievement Test (AM)
- Friday, June 17 - Gr. 6 Social Studies Provincial Achievement Test (AM)
- Friday, June 17 - Deadline for the Return of Library Materials