Sept. 19: Inferno Weekly Update

Here is our weekly update of events and information for Greystone Centennial Middle School.
Day of Mourning - Sept. 19
In recognition of the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Greystone will be observing a moment of silence on Monday, Sept. 19th at 10am. Classrooms will also be discussing Her late Majesty in the classroom, her life and public service, and what students will remember about her.
For more information about how this event will be recognized in Alberta, please visit the Government of Alberta website on Queen Elizabeth II’s memorial.
Terry Fox Run - Sept. 23
Once again Greystone is pleased to be hosting its annual Terry Fox Walk/Run on Friday, Sept. 23, 2022. All students are encouraged to take part, and to wear red for the day. We also invite you to participate by walking, jogging or by helping to supervise and cheering on the students as they run/walk. Wear red to mark the occasion!
Students can donate to the Terry Fox Cancer Foundation at the school by bringing in cash to the office or online via the Greystone page on the Terry Fox Foundation website.
We are still looking for volunteers to help us out on the day. If you can help, please contact your homeroom teacher or the office.
Orange Shirt Day - Sept. 29
We invite students and staff to wear Orange on Thursday, Sept. 29th. Orange Shirt Day is a legacy project with a focus on commemorating the residential school experience, to witness and honour the healing journey of the survivors and their families, and to commit to the ongoing process of reconciliation. Students are invited to wear an orange shirt that day and some classroom instruction, as well as school or classroom events, were created to honour the spirit of the day.
Indigo - Adopt a School Program
Our school was selected to participate in this year’s #AdoptaSchool fundraiser! From now until October 2, every dollar donated at Indigospirit in Westland Market Mall will go towards filling our school with new and diverse books. You can also donate online. Help us reach our goal of raising $2000 by donating online or in-store today!
School Council Meeting
Our first School Council meeting of the year will be on Wednesday, Sept. 28 at 6:30 pm. We will again meet in a hybrid setting so families can join both in-person and online. The agendas and minutes for the meeting can be found on the School Council section of our website.
For those joining online:
- Google Meet Link:
- Join by phone: +1 587-797-9639 PIN: 442 899 894#
Nutrition Program at Greystone
We are happy to announce that our nutrition program will continue this year to be able to provide healthy food to students. We provide breakfast, snack items, and lunch items to students.
We are very grateful for the support of the Rotary Club of Spruce Grove and Breakfast Clubs of Canada that help make this possible. If you would like to help out by volunteering to prepare food or make a donation, please contact the office.
Hot Lunch
Our hot lunch program will be ordered monthly. Our first round of ordering will be September 21-28, 2022, for October 7 start. Hot Lunch will be available every Friday, or the day before if there is no school. We will be utilizing local vendors (Pizza 73, KFC, Bite to Eat, etc.). Volunteers are important to make this program a success. We will need 2 volunteers each day. When you order hot lunch for your child, there will be a box to check if you can volunteer.
All orders can be completed online. We accept order payments through PayPal. You can check out as a guest or by using your PayPal account (which includes credit card or debit online).
Online ordering instructions: Everyone needs to create an account (even if you had one previously) at
- Click on: Click here to register
- School access code: GCHL (capital letters)
- Set up your user ID and password
- Follow the online instructions to order. (You do NOT need to have a PayPal account to pay online. You can pay by credit card without creating a PayPal account)
AHS - Back to School Resources
Alberta Health Services Community Education Service provides free public education sessions for parents and caregivers, with a focus on child and youth wellness. During the COVID-19 pandemic, live webinars can be viewed on a computer, smartphone, or tablet. Pre-recorded sessions are available too.
These upcoming sessions may be of interest to families:
- September 19: Screen time & teen mental health
- September 21: The gift of gratitude: Creating gratitude jars
- September 27: Words Matter! Supporting children and youth through the lens of Mental Health Literacy
- Friday, Sept. 23 - Terry Fox Run (11:30 - 12:45)
- Wednesday, Sept. 28 - School Council and FOGS Meeting (6:30 pm)
- Thursday, Sept. 29 - Orange Shirt Day
- Friday, Sept. 30 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (No School)