Inferno News: Spring Break Edition 2024

Inferno News: Spring Break Edition
Here is our weekly update of events and information for Greystone Centennial Middle School.
Spring Break, PD Day & Easter
Friday, March 22 is a PD Day. No school for students. The office will be open from 8:30 am - 4:00 pm.
Spring Break runs from March 25 - 29. The office will be closed.
Easter Monday is April 1, which falls at the end of Spring Break. The office will be closed and there are no classes running that day. This means students will return to school on Tuesday, April 2.
Click here for the full 2023-2024 PSD School year Calendar.
2024/2025 School Year Registration
Registration for next year is NOW OPEN! If you have not already done so, please click here to access the Parent Portal and go to the RSVP page to register your child(ren). As always, if you need any assistance, the office will be happy to help!
Greystone Read-A-Thon
Our Read-a-thon is now live. To support our Read-A-Thon, click here.
There are lots of prizes to be won.
- Top reader for 5/6 and top reader for 7/8/9 will win a basket full of prizes
- Top Fundraiser will win a HUGE basket full of prizes.
- Top 5/6 class readers will win a PIZZA party from Bite to Eat
- Top 7/8/9 class readers will win SUBWAY party from Subway, Spruce Grove
- Top Fundraising class will win a DQ BLIZZARD party
- More Individual prizes along the way for all those who are making an effort to become Super Readers
For more information on student sign up, click here.
School Council & FOGS
The next School Council meeting is April 24 at 6:30pm. Please join us at the school.
The School Council and FOGS needs your participation and involvement. We are currently looking for people to fill positions on the 2024-2025 executive. Our Annual General Meeting is in May. For more information and to express interest, please contact
Online Safety Presentation at Prescott
The Prescott Learning Centre School Council would like to extend an invitation to any interested community members to attend a presentation and discussion on the topic of Online Safety. Parkland RCMP Cst. and former School Resource Office Gord Marshall will share his experiences and provide useful strategies for parents and guardians for protecting children and young adults while online.
- Where: Prescott Learning Centre, 340 Pioneer Road, Spruce Grove
- When: Wednesday, April 3rd @ 7:00 pm
- Who (can attend): The parents and guardians of children and young adults and any interested community members
No RSVP required, we hope to see you on the 3rd.
National Volunteer Week
April 14-20 is National Volunteer Week. We want to thank everyone who volunteers their time to make Greystone a better place. We truly appreciate your time and effort in the service of our students.
Stronger Together Newsletter
The monthly Newsletter is now available. It features information about Spring Break camps, Family sessions, Financial Literacy workshops, and resources for aid.
- Fri., Mar. 22 - PD Day (No School for students)
- Sat. Mar. 23 - Mon., Apr. 1 - Spring Break (School Closed)
- Tues., Apr. 2 - Classes return after Spring Break
- Fri., Apr. 5 - Choir Day (All choir students)
- Wed., Apr. 10 - Spring Choir Concert (5:30 pm) @ Greystone Gym
- Fri., Apr. 12 - Musical Festival (all day) @ Leduc