February 14: Inferno Weekly Update

Here is our weekly update of events and information for Greystone Centennial Middle School.
COVID Update
As was announced last week, and as was communicated by PSD earlier, there will be changes to the existing COVID health measures starting on Monday, Feb. 14. The biggest change will be that masks will no longer be required for students while at school. Many of the other measures remain in place. For more information, please visit the PSD website on this topic.
PD Day/Family Day
A reminder that there is no school on Friday and Monday of next weekend. Friday, Feb. 18th is a PD Day, and Monday, Feb. 21st is Family Day.
COVID Reporting
The number of COVID cases reported to the school is updated on our website each Friday. We continue to request that families let us know if a student tests positive for COVID, as we rely on self-reporting for these numbers. Thank you for your support.
School Council and FOGS Meeting
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 15th at 6:30 pm online. All Greystone student families are invited to attend.
The agendas and minutes for the meeting can be found on the School Council section of our website.
Google Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/mus-
Join by phone: +1 613-778-3313 PIN: 419 023 787#
Term 2 Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences
Term 2 Parent-Teacher Conferences will be virtual this year. They will be held for Grades 5-8 on Wed. Feb. 16 and Thurs. Feb. 17 for most classes. Grade 9 conferences will be on March 9 and 10. Online registration for conferences is now open. You should have received an email from GCMS with instructions on how to book your virtual parent-teacher conference. You can also visit our website, contact the school or follow this link for more information.
Online Registration for 2022-2023 Opens Feb. 14
Online registration begins on Feb. 14. Returning PSD students will receive an email reminder to log into their PowerSchool Account and look for the RSVP button in the side navigation to launch the registration process. During the registration process, it will be important to select the 2022-2023 School Year to register for NEXT year. All parents are required to complete the registration process by 4:30 pm on March 18, 2022. This deadline allows us to determine the eligibility of bus pass applicants, the routing of buses, bus pass production, and data verification before the summer break. For further information, visit our Registration page.
Hot Lunch
Ordering for February Hot Lunch will be open Feb. 16 - 23at https://greystone.hotlunches.
The schedule of suppliers for the month is:
- Friday, March 4 - Pizza 73
- Friday, March 11 - KFC
- Friday, March 18 - Bite to Eat
2021-2022 Alberta Education Assurance Survey
Each year Alberta Education provides a survey to students in grades 4, 7 & 10, parents of those students, and teachers to gather feedback on the quality of education that students are receiving. Our GCMS Grade 7 teachers, students, and all staff will be completing this survey. If you are a Grade 7 parent you will be receiving a random access code to complete the parent survey online. https://public.education.
Important Dates
- Monday, Feb. 14 - Online Registration Opens
- Wednesday, Feb. 16 - Gr. 5-8 Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00 pm
- Thursday, Feb. 17 - Gr. 5-8 Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00 pm
- Thursday, Feb. 17 - Gr. 5 & 6 French Carnaval
- Friday, Feb. 18 - Professional Development Day - No School for Students
- Monday, Feb. 21 - Family Day - No School