SG Kinette Christmas Hampers

Greystone is getting into the holiday spirit early this year! We are asking our community to support the Spruce Grove Kinette Christmas Hamper project. Last year these hampers brightened the holidays of 640 local families.
Greystone will collect monetary donations, grocery gift cards, store gift cards for teens/children (11-17 years old), and unused/unwrapped toys (Children 10 years and under) for the SG Kinette hampers. (Gift cards in the denominations of $25 from local businesses work are a great donation). Our Greystone deadline for all gift cards/donations and toys is Wednesday, December 7. Thank you so much for your help and for making the holiday season a bit brighter for members of our Spruce Grove community.
For more information, or to donate online, please visit
*Please remember that no food items will be collected this year at Greystone, but Parkland Foodbank and other organizations will be accepting food donations.