Sept. 27, 2021: GCMS Inferno Weekly Update

Inferno News - Sept. 27 - Oct. 1
Here is our weekly update on what is happening at Greystone.
COVID-19 Outbreak Status
On Sept. 16th, AHS declared a COVID-19 Outbreak at Greystone. This outbreak status is ongoing.
Orange Shirt Day - Sept 29
We will be asking all students and staff to consider wearing an Orange Shirt on Wednesday, Sept. 29th for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Classes may also be involved in other activities related to this day.
If you are looking for ways to learn more about this day, you can visit the Alberta Government-sponsored site: Empowering the Spirit. Or the Government of Canada site here.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - Sept. 30th (No School)
All Parkland School Division schools and buildings will be closed on September 30, 2021, giving students and staff the opportunity to properly observe the day at home. We will recognize the day on Sept 29th at school with students and staff. The new PSD calendar changed the PD Day on May 19th to a regular school day.
Parent Needs Assessment Survey - Counselling Program
We invite all parents and guardians to participate in a short survey that will assist with designing our counseling program. The results of this survey are anonymous, will only be used internally, and will help guide the counseling projects and priorities for each grade level within Greystone Centennial Middle School. The deadline is Sept. 30th.
Please use this link to access the survey.
Farm to School FOGS Fundraiser
The first fundraiser of the year will be “Farm to School” an opportunity for families to order vegetables while supporting FOGS and our local Food Bank. To order, visit and choose Greystone School when checking out. The deadline is Tues., Sept. 28th. Delivery will be October 12 (change from Oct. 5)
Hot Lunch Program
Hot lunch through FOGS is starting soon. If you are interested in ordering, please be aware that the upcoming deadline is Sept. 26th (TODAY) for October orders. You can get the full information here.
We will not be offering the “Hot Lunch Lady” program this year.
Immunization Catch-Up Information
Our “regular” immunization day is coming up for students in grades 6 & 9. There have been some questions about catching up on any students who did not receive their vaccinations last year due to COVID. We have reached out to AHS and will let you know what they say.
COVID Protocols
A full list of the current COVID protocols can be found in PSD’s Guidance for School Re-Entry Principal's Handbook.
One reminder about the protocols is that everyone needs to consult the COVID-19 Alberta Health Daily Checklist and if they answer YES to any question must stay home and follow the directions outlined.
For more information, including links to Alberta Government’s plans and guidance, visit our COVID-19 page on the PSD website.
Strong Families Newsletter
Here is this month’s newsletter outlining different support for families in the community:
October 2021 - PSD Family Supports Newsletter
Important Dates
- Wednesday, September 29 “Orange Shirt Day” -- Every Child Matters
- Thursday, September 30 National Day for Truth & Reconciliation (No School)
- Friday, October 1 Terry Fox Run
- Friday, October 8 PD Day - No School
- Monday, October 11 Thanksgiving - No School