October 4, 2021: Inferno Weekly Update

Inferno News - October 4-October 8
Here is our weekly update on what is happening at Greystone.
COVID-19 Outbreak Status
On Sept. 16th, AHS declared a COVID-19 Outbreak at Greystone. This outbreak status is ongoing.
COVID-19 Notifications
We appreciate it when families choose to notify Greystone about a positive COVID-19 test. If we receive notification about a positive case from a family of a student who was contagious while at school, we will ask for Permission to Disclose to the class cohorts. When that signed form is received, we will send out letters to the class cohorts that there has been a positive case identified in the group. No personal or identifying information is disclosed in this letter. Thank you to everyone who has let us know about positive cases and who has given us permission to disclose to class cohorts.
PD Day - Friday, Oct. 8 / Thanksgiving - Monday, Oct. 11
A reminder that there will be no classes for students on Friday as staff will be engaged in professional learning. Monday is the Thanksgiving holiday, so the school and office will be closed.
Parent-Teacher Interviews - Oct. 20 & 21
In the coming weeks, we will be sending information on Parent-teacher interviews that will take place early this year on October 20 & 21. We will be having them online again this year and will be sharing the booking process soon.
Rainbows & Spectrums Program
Our school counselor will be running some groups for students who are experiencing divorce, separation, grief, or loss. Please see this information letter for more details and how to register.
Halloween Costume Guidelines
Students are welcome to wear their costumes in the afternoon. Costumes should be appropriate for a school setting (no offensive logos, slogans etc. ) and we would ask that no one brings any weapons (even fake ones) as part of their costume. Additionally, all masks need to be removable.
Cotton Candy Fundraiser
FOGS is excited to announce that Halloween Cotton Candy sales have returned! Order deadline Fri, Oct. 15 for delivery Fri, Oct 29.
$5 per 32 oz tub in four flavours: Orange, Grape, Root Beer and Blue Raspberry. Please return the order form with payment in the envelopes provided to the office by the deadline.
Questions/Concerns? Please email fogsfriendsofgreystonsociety@
Farm to School Fundraiser
The delivery date for our Farm to School fundraiser is Oct. 12 (moved from Oct. 5). Thank you to all who participated.
COVID Protocols
A full list of the current COVID protocols can be found in PSD’s Guidance for School Re-Entry Principal's Handbook. For more information, including links to Alberta Government’s plans and guidance, visit our COVID-19 page on the PSD website.
One reminder about the protocols is that everyone needs to consult the COVID-19 Alberta Health Daily Checklist and if they answer YES to any question must stay home and follow the directions outlined.
Strong Families Newsletter
Here is this month’s newsletter outlining different support for families in the community:
October 2021 - PSD Family Supports Newsletter
Important Dates
- Friday, October 8 - PD Day - No School
- Monday, October 11 - Thanksgiving - No School
- Tuesday, October 19 - School Council and FOGS Meeting (6:30pm)