December 6: Inferno Weekly Update

Inferno News Dec. 6-10
Here is our weekly update of events and information for Greystone Centennial Middle School.
COVID-19 Information
Greystone currently does not have any status under the COVID-19 school status system. For further information on the provincial classification system, visit the COVID-19 school status website.
Report Cards Available Today
Student Term 1 report cards are now available via PowerSchool. If you would like a paper copy of the report card, please contact the office.
RCMP School Resource Officer Visit
Our local RCMP School resource officer visited the school today to speak with our grade 7 & 9 students about online security, bullying, and harassment. He was able to underline the importance of these topics.
Cst. Marshall also had some recommendations for parents:
- Check your child’s social media accounts often, especially looking at posts and followers. Do not let young people interact with people they don’t know.
- Ensure that the privacy and location settings are very high (safe) on devices.
For more information, you can visit the RCMP site on Internet Safety or Media Smarts: Canada’s Centre for Digital and Media Literacy.
Kinette Hamper Program
Greystone will again be taking part in the Kinette Hamper program this year. For the 48th year, the Spruce Grove Kinette volunteers are working to make Christmas brighter for local families struggling with a limited income. Their goal is to support families in need with food and gifts for the holidays and last year they assisted 580 families in our area, and supported close to 1900 residents!
Until Dec. 10, we will be accepting:
- Monetary donations or local grocery store gift cards for food hampers.
- Gift cards or new, unwrapped gifts for children 17 and under.
Hour of Code
Many classes will be participating in the Hour of Code event next week as part of Computer Science Education Week. This is an initiative to introduce the skill of coding to students in interactive and fun ways. Students will produce their own apps or games and are encouraged to share with their families. For more information, visit the Hour of Code website.
Snowed In - Online Holiday Celebration
This year, we will be holding our Snowed In event online. We will share the video production in the week before the Winter break. It will include some musical performances by some students and other holiday cheer. We hope next year to be able to welcome you back to the school for a great evening.
GCMS Inferno Basketball
Here is the tryout schedule for Inferno Basketball Basketball. Follow the Greystone Athletics Facebook page for all the great athletic happenings at GCMS!
- Jr. B Boys (LC 5/6/7) - December 6 & 8 → 3:45 - 5:15
- Jr. B Girls (LC5/6/7) - December 7 & 9 → 3:45 - 5:15
Caregiver Education Team - December Newsletter
Here is the December edition of the Caregiver Education Team Newsletter. This month there are many sessions for families around Mental Health, Technology, and Regulation.
Important Dates
- Friday, Dec. 3 - Report Cards Available
- Friday, Dec. 10 - Kinette Xmas Hamper Donation deadline
- Thursday, Dec. 23 - Last Day of school before the Winter Break
- Monday, Jan. 10 - Classes resume from the Winter Break