May 30: Inferno Weekly Update

Here is our weekly update of events and information for Greystone Centennial Middle School.
Wilhauk Beef Jerky
Our Wilhauk Beef Jerky fundraiser is running until Friday, June 3rd. Please fill out this form to order and bring payment to the office. Payment by cash or cheque. Pickup dates are June 10th and 11th (10 am-6 pm) at Wilhauk Beef Jerky.
Pizza 73 Delivery Night - June 8th
This may just be the easiest fundraiser all year. On June 8th, order pizza from Pizza 73 using the code 73SCHOOL at any Edmonton Area Pizza 73 and the school will receive $5 for each order over $30. You get supper and support the school.
Field Trips
Watch for permission slips coming your way! May and June are busy months for off-site trips for our students. Students need to return their consent forms to school and pay any associated fees prior to the field trip date. Read any included information for details on what to wear, what to bring, and what activities are planned.
Wheel Week: May 30 - June 3
During the week of May 30 to June 3, students are encouraged to get active on their way to and from school. Ways that you can get to school that are self-powered are biking, inline skating, scootering, and walking. Please be safe if you choose to come to school via these methods. Follow the traffic laws, wear a helmet when on wheels, and be aware. For more information, visit the SHAPE Alberta website.
Try-Me Try-Athlon
PSD is putting on their Try-Me Try-Athlon again this year on June 3rd. All PSD students are invited to participate. It will be located at the Stony Plain Outdoor Pool and Stony Plain Central School. For more information and to register, please visit the Try-Me Try-Athlon website.
Safety for Active Transportation
When students come to school on bikes or scooters, we want them to be safe. Helmets are mandatory, as per Alberta Law, for anyone under the age of 18. Helmets for scooters are highly recommended. All bikes and scooters must be locked up during the day, please use the bike/scooter racks and bring a lock. We ask all students to walk their bikes/scooters in congested areas when they arrive on school property.
Stronger Together Newsletter - June
This newsletter is all about kindness, caring, and compassion. In the difficult times we have had in the past two years we have seen so many people, helping others and making a real difference. Sometimes it is hard to feel this empathy for others as we worry about ourselves and our families. However, we are better together, helping each other and gaining strength from our families, friends, and community. Remember this as you go about your daily lives. Speak kindly, be honest in your intentions and live with integrity. We have done and will continue to do hard things together.
Important Dates
- Monday, May 30 - Friday, June 3: Wheel Week - Walk, Bike, or Wheel to School
- Friday, June 3: Last day for Wilhauk Beef Jerky Orders
- Wednesday, June 8 - Talent Show (PM)