August 27, 2021: GCMS Inferno Weekly Update

Welcome back to a new school year! We are excited to have students return to Greystone and have been busy preparing for the start of classes. Before the first day, we wanted to send out some important information for this year. You will probably have already received an email from teachers, so we apologize for some of the repeated aspects.
School Starts on Monday, Aug. 30
Our first day of school is Monday, August 30th. All students attend the first day of school. Click here for the full year calendar, or here for the Greystone Bell Schedule.
Where To Go On the 1st Day
Again this year, because of COVID protocols, only students and staff are allowed to enter the building. Staff will be available to help with supplies, finding classrooms, etc.
Grade 5s will meet at the “Rocks and Ropes” play area on the West side of the building. The Grade 5 teachers will be outside to meet with their students.
All other grades will enter the school and go to their classrooms. 6K and 6N will go through the front doors, along with any students who are unsure of where to go. Our other Grade 6 students will go in through the "Blue Pod" doors. Grade 7 and 8 students will enter on either side of the portable classroom and head into the “Purple Pod”. Grade 9s enter the school at the door closest to the tennis courts, by the “Green Pod”
COVID Protocols
You will now have received an email from Parkland School Division (PSD) about the updated COVID-19 Protocols for this year. The protocols have been developed in compliance with the direction from the Chief Medical Officer of Health and Alberta Education.
Most importantly, PSD is committed to providing safe and caring environments for our staff and students to learn. Learning to exist with COVID-19 is our next challenge as a school community.
Many measures will look the same as last year.
Read PSD’s Guidance for School Re-Entry Principal's Handbook.
Highlights include:
General Building Safety - Continued enhanced cleaning and disinfecting, promotion of healthy hygiene practices, and increased circulation of outdoor air as much as possible. Students are encouraged to bring hand sanitizer with them to school for their personal use.
Responding to Illness - Staff or students with COVID-19 symptoms (new or worsening and not related to other known causes), will be required to isolate for 10 days from the onset of symptoms, or until they receive a negative COVID-19 test result, as per provincial guidelines. Students or staff who develop symptoms while at school will be sent home and be required to isolate, as per AHS guidelines. Everyone needs to consult the COVID-19 Alberta Health Daily Checklist and if they answer YES to any question must stay home and follow the directions outlined.
Masks - Masks are strongly recommended for all students and staff in all common areas and in situations where 2 metres of distance cannot be maintained. As per the Alberta Health Services (AHS) directive, masks will be required for all students (regardless of age or grade) while on a school bus.
Cohorts - Where practical, PSD schools will have students work in a limited number of cohorts.
Close Contacts - As per AHS guidelines, close contacts of a positive case will not be required to isolate for 14-days as per provincial guidelines on self-isolation.
Vaccinations - Immunizations will be available through temporary clinics in schools selected by AHS, for students in Grades 7 - 12 as well as school staff. Students under 18 will not be vaccinated in schools without parent or guardian consent. Further information will be shared when it becomes available from AHS.
For more information, including links to Alberta Government’s plans and guidance, visit our COVID-19 page on the PSD website.
New Principal - Mr. Corey Haley
We are welcoming a new Principal to Greystone. Mr. Haley comes to us from Graminia School. He grew up in the Spruce Grove - Stony Plain area and started his teaching career at Spruce Grove Composite High School. For more information, see the PSD announcement.
FOGS Casino
Our fundraising society is asking for you help staffing a casino on Aug. 31st. This is a large fundraiser that will bring in a lot of money to support initiatives at Greystone. If you can help out, please contact
PSD has asked for the removal of all classroom microwaves for safety. This means that there will be no student access to microwaves for heating lunches. We are working on a plan that will see access to microwaves in pod areas, but this will need some time to put in place. In the meantime, please send food that does not need to be heated.
New PSD Website and Email Addresses
Over the summer, Parkland School Division has changed their domain address and along with it the email addresses of staff. The new domain is Be sure to note teachers’ new email addresses, but their old addresses will work for 6 months.
Important Dates
- Monday, August 30 - First Day of School
- Friday, September 3 - Pancake Breakfast for Students
- Monday, September 6 - Labour Day (No School)
- Thursday, September 9 - Picture Day
- Wednesday, September 15 - Meet the Teacher - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Virtual Event