January 24: Inferno Weekly Update

Here is our weekly update of events and information for Greystone Centennial Middle School.
COVID Reporting
The number of COVID cases reported to the school is updated on our website each Friday. We continue to request that families let us know if a student tests positive for COVID, as we rely on self-reporting for these numbers. Thank you for your support.
COVID-19 Update
All families should have received an email from PSD with some important updates to our COVID response. You can always get the latest updates on the COVID-19 Information Page of the PSD website.
Alberta Government Rapid Tests and Masks
We are still waiting for the delivery of our rapid tests and masks from the Alberta Government. As soon as they arrive, we will send them out to the families that have requested them in our survey. Thank you for your patience.
Hot Lunch for February
Ordering for February Hot Lunch will be open Jan. 19 - Jan. 26 at https://greystone.hotlunches.
The schedule of suppliers for the month is:
- Friday, Feb 4 - Subway
- Wednesday, Feb 9 - Dairy Queen
- Thursday, Feb 17 - Pizza 73
- Friday, Feb 25 - Boston Pizza
Field Trips and Extra-Curricular Activities
At this point, the province has not recommended the cancellation of extracurricular or field trip activities. This having been said, we are evaluating what is being offered at Greystone to limit cohorts. Here is a list of updates:
- Ski Club has been postponed until February. We are working to reschedule the days that were missed in March.
- Swim@School program (gr. 5&6) is continuing, as the trips are cohorted.
- The Community Classroom has been canceled until further notice.
- Basketball teams will continue to operate as they were before the break.
- Choirs have been canceled until further notice.
AHS Vaccination Update
The “regular” school vaccination program date (non-COVID) for grades 8 & 9 has been postponed to March 7th. Information will be coming home from the AHS Public Health Unit about this program.
Important Dates
- Monday, Jan. 24 - Friday, Jan. 28 - Swim @ School (Group 2)
- Wednesday, Jan. 26 - Bell Let’s Talk Day, Students are encouraged to wear blue in support of Mental Health.
- Monday, Jan. 31 - Professional Development Day, No School for Students
- Thursday, Feb. 10 & Friday, Feb 11 - Teachers’ Convention, No School for Students