May 9: Inferno Weekly Update

Here is our weekly update of events and information for Greystone Centennial Middle School.
Track Meet - Thursday (May 12)
We are holding our school Track Meet for all students on Thursday, May 12th. This is the first time in a few years that we are able to have our students engage in this activity on the same day. We are looking forward to it!
Please sign and return the permission slip for the track participation. This is a new requirement of PSD. Also, ensure that students are prepared to be outside and active for the full day. This means appropriate clothing, footwear, food/drink, etc.
We are still looking for volunteers for the FOGS concession. Please see the next item for more information.
Track Meet Concession Volunteers
School Council and FOGS need your help for the concession stand that will be running during the track meet on Thursday, May 12th. If you can help, please sign up using this spreadsheet. All you need to do is click on the link and enter your name in the time slot of your choosing. You can stay for multiple time slots if you're willing and able.
They will also need some volunteers during the day of Wednesday, May 11 for anyone willing to come and prep the buns. Please contact fogsfriendsofgreystonesociety@
Track Meet Concession
Our School Council and FOGS will be running a concession stand for students during the track meet.
Concession Price List:
- Burger - $4.00
- Cheeseburger - $5.00
- Hot Dog - $2.00
- Cotton Candy - $5.00
- Chips - $1.00
- Freezies - $1.00
- Pop - $2.00
- Water - $1.00
- Gatorade - $2.00
Vapes & E-cigarettes
Vapes have exploded in popularity recently, but they pose a big problem for schools. Recently, we have seen an increase in situations where our older students have these items. As these are illegal for any minor to possess or use according to the Tobacco, Smoking and Vaping Reduction Act, any student found in possession of a vape will be subject to immediate disciplinary action. Don’t bring vapes to school. For more information, please see PSD Administrative Procedure 760 and our Greystone School Handbook.
Looping at Greystone
After consultation with staff, students, and our school council, we are making some changes to the practice of looping at Greystone next year.
Next year, grades 7-9 will no longer be looping. This means that we will be creating new class cohorts at the end of the year and teachers will not follow student homerooms for a second year.
For grades 5-6, next year will be our last year of looping. This means that the current grade 5 students will continue with their cohort and teachers, but the incoming grade 4s will no longer loop.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Haley at the Office via email or phone.
Kiwi Nurseries Fundraiser
We are running a fundraiser in partnership with Kiwi Nurseries from April 8 - to May 2. During this time, when you order items from Kiwi via their website and select Friends of Greystone School, we receive a portion of your order back. Orders can be picked up directly from Kiwi Nurseries. For more information, see the flyer that was sent home with students this week.
Write-On Stationery
Write-On Stationery ordering is now open until July 15. If the school shipping option is chosen, orders will arrive the week of Aug 22 (with pick up tentatively Aug 24/25 from 9-2 each day). All orders are placed either online or by calling Write On directly.
Important Dates
- Thursday, May 12 - Greystone Track Meet
- Friday, May 20 - PD Day (No School for Students)