October 25: Inferno Weekly Update

Inferno News Oct. 25-29
Here is our weekly update on what is happening at Greystone.
COVID-19 Information
Greystone currently does not have any status under the COVID-19 school status system. For further information on the provincial classification system, visit the COVID-19 school status website.
Book Fair
Our Book Fair will be finishing up on Monday, Oct. 25. It is not too late to make online orders if you missed the in-person portion of our book fair. Check out the online ordering website here.
Halloween Costume Guidelines
Students are welcome to wear their costumes in the afternoon of Friday, Oct. 29th. Costumes should be appropriate for a school setting (no offensive logos, slogans, etc. ) and we would ask that no one brings any weapons (even fake ones) as part of their costume. Additionally, all masks need to be removable.
Immunization Information
The AHS Public Health office has been receiving many inquiries from parents regarding catch-up immunizations for Gr. 7 and Gr. 8 students who did not get to complete their Gr. 6 immunizations. Here is a document that summarizes the immunization program for Gr. 6 to Gr. 9. In it, you will find answers to many of the frequently asked questions.
AHS will be coming to do the “regular” vaccinations with grade 6 students on Nov. 18.
Volunteer Paperwork
If you are interested in volunteering this year, we require anyone putting in over 10 hours to complete some important paperwork which includes a criminal record check. If you are interested in future opportunities, please contact the office.
Hot Lunch
Ordering for Hot Lunch in November is open from Oct. 21-27 at https://greystone.hotlunches.
Hot Lunch is available on Fridays and all profits are returned to FOGS. Click here for more information.
Upcoming Fundraisers
We have 2 fundraisers that are coming up soon. We will be doing our Purdy’s Chocolate fundraiser this year again for Christmas. Look for order forms and information coming in November. We will also be having our Kiwi Nurseries fundraiser at the same time.
Strong Families Newsletter
Please find below your Stronger Together newsletter for this month. There are a lot of great articles and tips about emotional regulation included, as well as some great upcoming sessions that are open for registration
Stronger Together - Emotional Regulation Newsletter
Important Dates
- Monday, Oct. 25 - Last Day for Book Fair
- Friday, Oct. 29 - Halloween Activities (afternoon)
- Friday, Nov. 5 - Remembrance Day Ceremony (virtual)
- Monday, Nov. 8 to Friday Nov. 12 - Fall Break (No School)
- Monday, Nov. 15 - PD Day (No School for students)
- Thursday, Nov. 18 - Gr. 6 Immunizations