October 11, 2021: Inferno Weekly Update

Inferno News: October 11-15
Here is our weekly update on what is happening at Greystone.
COVID-19 Information
The Government of Alberta updated the COVID school status classification system this week. Our current category under the new system is Alert 5-9. For further information on the new classification system, visit the COVID-19 school status website.
The other change that was announced by the Government of Alberta this week was the resumption of contact tracing through AHS. Starting October 12, AHS will be directly informing schools if a student was infectious while in class.
Thanksgiving - Monday, Oct. 11
A reminder that there will be no classes for students on Monday for the Thanksgiving holiday. The school and office will be closed.
Parent-Teacher Interviews - Oct. 20 & 21
Virtual Term One Parent/Teacher/Student conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, October 20th and Thursday, October 21st from 4:00-7:00 pm, but due to circumstances, there may be differences for individual teachers or grades. Our conferences will be conducted completely virtually this year, through Google Meets. You will receive an email tomorrow with instructions for the registration process.
Our registration system will be open on Tuesday, October 12th at 4:30 pm. As this is a first-come, first served system you are encouraged to register online or through our office at your earliest convenience as of Tuesday, October 12th at 4:30.
Book Fair
Our Book Fair will be running from Tuesday, Oct. 19 to Monday, Oct. 25. We will be running a “no-touch book fair” with an online portion as well.
Rainbows & Spectrums Program
Our school counselor will be running some groups for students who are experiencing divorce, separation, grief, or loss. Please see this information letter for more details and how to register.
Halloween Costume Guidelines
Students are welcome to wear their costumes in the afternoon. Costumes should be appropriate for a school setting (no offensive logos, slogans, etc. ) and we would ask that no one brings any weapons (even fake ones) as part of their costume. Additionally, all masks need to be removable.
Cotton Candy Fundraiser
FOGS is excited to announce that Halloween Cotton Candy sales have returned! Order deadline Fri, Oct. 15 for delivery Fri, Oct 29.
$5 per 32 oz tub in four flavours: Orange, Grape, Root Beer, and Blue Raspberry.
Please return the order form with payment in the envelopes provided to the office by the deadline.
Questions/Concerns? Please email fogsfriendsofgreystonsociety@
As always, FOGS thanks you for your support of our school fundraising!
Farm to School Fundraiser
The delivery date for our Farm to School fundraiser is Oct. 12 (moved from Oct. 5). Thank you to all who participated.
Community Connector - New Position in PSD
The Community Connector supports youth (age 11+) and their families to access community and mental health support by working collaboratively with community stakeholders, social service agencies, and health care providers. This is a shared position between CHANGE Health, the PCN and PSD. They act as a living library of information regarding health and wellness resources that are available within the community, provincially, and virtually. Rather than calling 811 or flipping through the Yellowpages, the Community Connector can provide information to meet the needs of students and their families and remain connected to provide ongoing support.
Prab Gill is the Community Connector serving Spruce Grove. To access her support, she can be reached at 780-217-8701 or through the office.
Strong Families Newsletter
Here is this month’s newsletter outlining different support for families in the community:
October 2021 - PSD Family Supports Newsletter
Important Dates
- Friday, October 8 PD Day - No School
- Monday, October 11 Thanksgiving - No School
- Tuesday, October 19 School Council and FOGS Meeting (6:30 pm)
- Wednesday, October 20 Parent-Teacher Interviews - Online
- Thursday, October 21 Parent-Teacher Interviews - Online
- Friday, October 22 Picture Retake Day