Sept. 20, 2021: GCMS Inferno Weekly Update

Inferno News - Sept 20-24
Here is our weekly update on what is happening at Greystone.
Mandatory Masking at School
As you are aware, the Government of Alberta has reinstituted the mandatory masking mandate in schools for grades 4-12. More information on the PSD response can be found on our website. We are asking students to bring their own mask to school each day. We do have a limited amount of masks available for those who have forgotten or if they need another.
Outbreak Status
This week, AHS declared a COVID-19 Outbreak at Greystone. For more information, please refer to the email that was sent out on Thursday or our website more information.
School Council & FOGS Meeting - Sept. 21
Our first School Council and Friends of Greystone School (F.O.G.S.) meeting of the year will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 21 at 6:30 online.
Here is the information to join the meeting:
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (CA) +1 613-778-3313 PIN: 419 023 787#
School Council Agenda - Sept 2021
AHS Covid-19 Vaccination Clinic at Greystone
There will be an AHS Covid-19 Vaccination Clinic taking place at Greystone on Sept. 23 for Grade 7-9 students. For more details, please read the program information sheet. The consent form can be found here. Students will not be immunized at school without consent (permission). If you would like a student to be vaccinated, please sign the consent form and send it to school before Sept. 23.
Parent Needs Assessment Survey - Counselling Program
We invite all parents and guardians to participate in a short survey that will assist with designing our counselling program. The results of this survey are anonymous, will only be used internally, and will help guide the counselling projects and priorities for each grade level within Greystone Centennial Middle School. The deadline is Sept. 30th.
Please use this link to access the survey.
School Board Trustee Candidates
Parkland School Division is looking for school board trustee candidates for the upcoming election. Help shape the future of local communities by governing the education of young people. The deadline to put your name forward or to nominate a candidate is Monday, September 20, 2021. Candidates wishing to submit their completed nomination package prior to Nomination Day will contact the Returning Officer by calling 780-999-0869 or by emailing
Full details can be found on the Parkland School Division website.
Farm to School
The first fundraiser of the year will be “Farm to School” an opportunity for families to order vegetables while supporting FOGS and our local Food Bank. To order, visit and choose Greystone School when checking out. The deadline is Tues., Sept. 28th.
Hot Lunch Program
Hot lunch through FOGS is starting soon. If you are interested in ordering, please be aware that the upcoming deadline is Sept. 26th for October orders. You can get the full information here.
We do not know if we will be offering the “Hot Lunch Lady” program at this point for the year.
Meet the Teacher
Thanks to everyone who participated in our virtual Meet the Teacher evening. Teachers are still available to speak and meet with parents. If you would like to connect with a member of the staff, please contact the office.
Change to PSD School Day Calendar - Sept. 30th
All Parkland School Division schools and buildings will be closed on September 30, 2021, giving students and staff the opportunity to properly observe the day at home. We will recognize the day on Sept 29th at school with students and staff. The new PSD calendar changed the PD Day on May 19th to a regular school day.
Counsellor’s Corner
We are very excited to have our guidance counsellor, Mrs. Janie Scheidl, working with our students this year. In that it has been a little while since we have had a counsellor, please read this information page to find out more about Mrs. Scheidl, the referral process, and the services we provide.
Important Dates
- Monday, September 20 - “Student Vote”
- Tuesday, September 21 - School Council Meeting (6:30 pm) Virtual Event
- Thursday, September 23 - AHS Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic at Greystone
- Wednesday, September 29 - “Orange Shirt Day” -- Every Child Matters
- Thursday, September 30 - National Day for Truth & Reconciliation (No School)
- Friday, October 1 - Terry Fox Run